Thursday, October 8, 2009

Anyone have problems with Norton Internet Security 2007? Norton Antivirus 2007?

Norton is not as good as they say, so get a good antivirus! And because free is always the best here you have some links:

Anyone have problems with Norton Internet Security 2007? Norton Antivirus 2007?computer security

Nope - I have friends that always want help with their computers and I tell them if they use Norton I will charge them a $25 aggrevation fee. They go ahead and do it . I charge them $25 - uninstall Norton and 99% of the time the issue goes away.

Such a shame in the 90's Norton ROCKED!

Anyone have problems with Norton Internet Security 2007? Norton Antivirus 2007?free spyware remobal

I'm about to state an obvious fact. NORTON SUCKS! First they don't install, then they only do 1 thing and that's crash you computer. There is no proecting! They never was! Then you can hardly uninstall the stupid software. I'm going to get off my rant before it turn into trouble. Anyway I would uninstall it and go to AVG or Windows Defender before you get a major virus or something.
Because your information is vague it is difficult to provide you with specific information on removing the infections. Although many AV and AS programs will detect and remove many infection they do not do it all. Many Malware infections require a procedure to be followed to remove it. This is because part of it are in hidden areas of your computer and will download the infection as soon as you are done with the removal attempt. Other Malware infections require specialized programs to remove them. This is the case with Smitfraud and Vundo infections.

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