Monday, June 21, 2010

Did I eat too much today?

Breakfast: A 100calorie yogurt

Lunch: Had lunch at Panda Express. I got a bowl of white rice with steamed veggies and 2 veggie egg rolls.

Dinner: 1/2 a 100cal yogurt with beans and a weight watchers ice cream bar (like 130cals)

Did I eat too much?

Did I eat too much today?suzuki

no you retard you're practically annorexic.

Did I eat too much today?virus

I agree. I don't do dairy. Also, I have about threetimes as many calories than that for breakfast.

The steamed veggies might have been okay, and the egg rolls iffy. However,the white rice is pure junk. The bran is taken off of the rice and then it is also bleached (with God knows what) to give it the white look.

I do beans, but I would do it with brown rice, in a burrito (with veggies and on a whole wheat tortilla), in a whole wheat pita, etc. If I had it with the brown rice or in the pita, I would also have steamed veggies with it.

I eat much more than that in a day. I would go hungry with your piddly eats.
No, i think you ate enough, but i think you might want to add a few healthy snacks (such as fruit). The yogurt is good in the morning, but try cereal, its healthy and keeps you full until lunch. (they have some low calorie stuff if your on a diet). You could even maybe have a fruit smoothie. For lunch the rice and veggies are good choice, they are healthy and filling. For dinner you need to get rid of the yogurt and replace it with some veggies. That isnt enough for a dinner, they sound like they should be snacks. Have a good, healthy dinner that covers at least your veggie, protein, and grains. Try weight watchers frozen meals, they are also very filling and are pretty good. You should really try the weightwatchers diet, it lets you eat what you want and still loose weight. They even have meetings to help you. Try this, and try not to obssess over this too much, the less you eat, the more you gain when you eat a lot.

good luck, and hope i helped.

You didn't eat NO WHERE enough.

Where is your protein? Where is your fruit? Where is your fiber?
no you didnt eat that much, are you worried about your weight, because an average american eats more calories than that.
only if you are anorexic.or on a very strict diet.

How do i remove from my computer?

my panda antivirus could not remove it

How do i remove from my computer?symantic


most nasties are set to reside in your restore system. clean them out and forget to close S.R. BEFORE you start clean up and they return when you reboot.

do this while OFFLINE!

start--all programs--accessories--system tools--system restore--settings--drive [ c ]--setting

check off and while there,click--hold--drag slider to 5% and recover 10% hard drive memory

control panel--internet options--general


cookies--history [ and set days to keep to 0 ]--delete temp internet files

privacy tab:

advanced--override--allow session,allow 1st party--BLOCK 3rd party [ spyware/tracking ] cookies

Recycle Bin

click on recycle bin and empty it

Disk Clean:

all programs--accessories--system tools--disk clean [ and later disk defrag ]

choose os [ c ] to clean,wait,click ok [ twice ]

now go back and do disk defrag [ seleck anylize--run or ok ]

Prefetch Folder

my computer--local disk drive [ c ]--windows--prefetch

select view--select all--press delete key on keyboard

now--IF you have any protective programs [ anti-virus--anti-spyware ] installed,NOW is the time to run those.

once you are clean,return to sytem restore and turn it back on [ reverse above instructions ].

Why is my laptop so freakin slow!!!!!!!!!?

I have windows XP with Panda security and I swear it takes five minutes to fire this thing up. What can I do?

Why is my laptop so freakin slow!!!!!!!!!?symatec

Don't install programs to speed it up, like everyone else on here says - that'll be just patchwork, if you don't check the simple things first.

You should run msconfig by pressing, Start, Run, then typing msconfig and pressing enter. See the tab for startup programs and services (last tab usually) and uncheck the ones that you don't need running in the background. Apart from your firewall and antivirus, that means most anything in there.

Next, check the 'Startup' category in your start menu (Start, Programs - Startup) and delete stuff from there. Then go into your Configuration Screen, and at Add/Remove Programs, delete the big heavy programs that you don't really use that often. Delete the temporary internet files in Internet Explorer next, and lastly right-click your hard-drive in Explorer (My Computer icon) and use the option to clean it, throwing away temporary files and all, and then defragment it. The latter is an option that will run for over an hour maybe, but all in all this should make your laptop much quicker.

If the increase in speed is not sufficient, then do install programs other answerers here commented about - they can have an effect. Spyware does throw sand in your software, and there are ways to 'tweak' your BIOS settings and all, in order to startup quicker. It's nice then to have programs that do the cleaning tweaking for you, but be careful about what you download - often promises are broken and spyware could be included even in anti-spyware programs. Ad-Aware, SpyDoctor and WinPatrol are recommendable.

For all you computer buffs - Recently I find I cannot see .pps and .jpg attachments.s.Why not?

I have recently installed Panda Firewall and antivirus program but nothing else. What can I do?

For all you computer buffs - Recently I find I cannot see .pps and .jpg attachments.s.Why not?systemworks

you mean like u cannot dwld those attachments??

just check show images in ur mail options..and make ur firewall to allow these mails

Does norton antivirus program report it status to windows?

If you mean it tells windows that it is working, yes.

Norton has the worst record of missed virusses though.

Go to every so often to do an online scan and removal of things norton missed.

Or get avast or avg

Does norton antivirus program report it status to windows?adware


Which antivirus softwares are better than norton antivirus?

donnt consider the price as a hurdle as i am nayways going to use the pirated copies from torrents, so plz advice with details

Which antivirus softwares are better than norton antivirus?agv

online scanners are very dangerous.

i recommend avast free home edition. it is free. updates are seemless (it updates virus patches and the actual program without having to download downloads and installs while you are connected to the internet).

the updates are from day to day and sometimes multiple times daily. never had a virus with it..well never had a virus anyway...but all the people I know that have, love it, as I have introduced them to it.

just register your name and email...and you get a key in your email to use.

sorry forgot...heres the url ...

Which antivirus softwares are better than norton antivirus?antivirus software

Visit Kim Komando (real website) and check out the ones that she recommends. Cool site, with lots of good help stuff. You have to browse around some to find what you are looking for.

I think that she recommends PC Tools. I have been using PC Tools for quite a while and haven't had any virus problems.
There are two ,

1) Sophos Anti Virus ( V-good 30 days free trial $ virus )

Purchased norton antivirus 2007 upgrade won't download says file is corrupt what do I do?

was able to download about 90% of the new upgrade program and then it stopped. Showed the message "file is corrupt" I don't know what to do to complete the installation ??.

Purchased norton antivirus 2007 upgrade won't download says file is corrupt what do I do?anti virus protection

I am not being sarcastic here but I think the best think you can do is contact Symantec support. If the download was the problem, as it appears to be, then you will need their help. Did you stop the download and restart it? Remember, after the download, then you install the product, it is a separate operation. If it was the install, then Symantec does have steps you can take as a corrupted NIS file can cause problems. There is an uninstall tool available that removes all existing installed Norton programs including corrupted ones.

Purchased norton antivirus 2007 upgrade won't download says file is corrupt what do I do?antivirus

Ok either 1 of 2 things:

1) You're lying and this software is pirated and the idiot that burned it for you didnt do it right thats why you're getting a corrupt file.

2)You're not lying but the software was already used 3 times and so Symantec isnt allowing you access to their updates/support.